About Moritani

My name is Moritani. I'm a freelance music composer, producer, and guitarist from Ontario, Canada. My music has been described as melodic and full of life, whilst carrying an intimacy that makes it feel very personal and down-to-earth.

My first steps into music were in late 2016, where I started learning how to create my own arrangements of video game music through studying midi files I found on the internet. Through trial-and-error, a ton of online tutorials and perseverence, I self-taught myself in the art of guitar and melodic music production; as well as studied many different music styles such as rock, jazz, metal, trance, techno and J-pop to further my musical skill.

My philosophy in music is that less is very much more. You don't need an excessive amount of instrumentation or a constantly explosive energy to create a stunning piece of music. I believe the raw power of melody and a solid structure is more than enough to create a charismatic and emotional piece.

My strongest point is my versatility in style. I enjoy blending together various aspects of many different genres (whether it's the progression, melody or instrumentation) together to create a unique kind of piece. Despite this, I am most comfortable working with genres like rock, electronic, J-pop and metal.

I have had my music featured in multiple multimedia projects both in the past, present and in production, ranging from video games to web animation; hoping to expand my horizons into more projects in the future.

[art by mozart]